ICQ è la utility company italiana specializzata nella produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabli.

ICQ Holding > Our plants > Hydroelectric


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Small-scale hydroelectric plants (with an installed power between 1 and 10 MW) are among the renewables that most significantly contribute to electricity production throughout Europe and the world. It is estimated that the total installed power in the world equals 47,000 MW, with a technical and economic potential equal to approximately 180,000 MW. In Europe, the installed power is of approximately 9,500 MW and the EU objective for 2010 is to reach 14,000 MW.

Hydroelectric plants exploit the potential mechanical energy contained in the available water flow at a certain altitude compared to the level where there turbines are placed. Therefore, the power of a hydraulic plant is based on two factors: the waterfall (existing drop between the altitude at which the water is available and the level where the water returns following the passage through the turbine) and the flow (that water mass that flows through the machine expressed per units of time).

Hydroelectric plants can be classified in:
  • Water basin plants
  • Flowing water plants
  • Storage plants
  • Water pipeline plants.

Water basin plants
These plants exploit the storage capacity of a natural (lakes) or artificial water basin as in the case of most tanks.
As of today, these are the most powerful and most used hydroelectric plants.

Storage plants
These plants have all the characteristics of traditional plants, but also obtain water in the higher tank through electromechanical pumps (or with the same production turbine). This type of plant was largely used during the 20th century, particularly for operating machine tools in small laboratories; today, however, the potential of these plants is not fully exploited.
The exploited flow is the same of that available in the water source; therefore, the turbine generates electricity at a speed that is totally dependent from the available water flow.

Plants built in water pipelines
An interesting possibility that has only recently been examined by project technicians is a plant built into a canal or pipeline for water supply. In this way, the turbine recovers the energy that would otherwise be dispersed.

The ICQ Group has acquired diversified experience on all types of hydroelectric plants.
Some examples:

  • in the province of Reggio Calabria, on the Fermano torrent, the Group built a water basin plant with an installed power of 4.8 MW, that has been operating since March 2009;
  • in Puglia, on the main pipeline carrying water to the irrigation aqueduct of the EIPLI (Ente per lo Sviluppo dell’Irrigazione e la Trasformazione Fondiaria in Puglia – Lucania – Irpinia), the ICQ Group built a flowing water plant having a 1 MW power. The plant has been operating since March 2009.
Today, ICQ has a portfolio of new initiatives for a total production capacity of over 150 GWh/year. For the most part, these projects have already obtained the necessary building approvals and will allow reaching the objective of at least 40 MW of installed power within 2012. The production of hydroelectricity within 2010 will exceed 15 GWh.

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ICQ Holding